Meet Bertie the Bumble Bee, a charming resident of the garden's end, nestled in his cozy beehive. Always on the move collecting honey, Bertie rarely takes a moment to rest!...
Introducing Drew the Duck – a delightful addition to our collection of irresistible cuteness that's bound to make everyone go quackers! Drew the Duck is a charming character dressed in...
Meet Herbert the Hippo from the Adventure Pickles collection! Herbert is a gentle giant, loved for his large yet cuddly frame. He's not just a playmate at home; Herbert is...
Introducing Elliot the Elephant from the Adventure Pickles collection. Elliot the Elephant is a lovable and cheeky companion that children will adore. Perfect for imaginative play at home or as...
A classic Maileg item. This mouse is ready for hours of play and sleeps tight in the matchbox. The clothes and bed linen come in unique prints and beautiful colours....
A classic Maileg item; Dad mouse, now in new clothes. This mouse fits furniture and accessories in size mouse. Buy more clothes separately, clothes in size mum/dad fit this mouse....
A classic Maileg item; Mum mouse, now in new clothes. This mouse fits furniture and accessories in size mouse. Buy more clothes separately, clothes in size mum/dad fit this mouse....
Let's take a hike with our new friends. Hiker boy will spend days in the wilderness with his sleeping bag, knitted sweater, soft pants, and hat. Item number 16-1737-00Size : Big...
Create your own creatures with this colourful magnetic set. The box is reversible so you can have a red animal or a blue one. Includes a mix of magnetic animal eyes, mouths...